Descend to Elevate
Un Oeil Ouvert sur le Monde Arabe / An Open eye to the Arab world
Institut Du Monde Arabe, France - 2019
“Descend to elevate”, reflects a satiric overview on the critically cynical status of the Arab world.
From the regime’s barrel bombing of Daraa to Saudi air strikes on Sanaa, the decline of once widespread share of reports and humanitarian documentation of the deadly incidents indicates that the wrath has been replaced by numbness and loss of audiences’ interest to follow the news from devastated zones.
A cemetery angel* passively overlooks a surreal scene, composed of collaged aftermath rubble from multiple conflict areas. Wild desert flowers precede the scene.
The text on the wall reads "Descend the stairs to reach elevator!"**
*Angel statue from Samaan El Kharaz Monastery in Cairo, part of an ongoing photo documentation of cemetery statues.
** Graffiti from Atabah Parking Garage in Cairo, part of an ongoing photo documentation of wall writings.
Link to exhibition:
About the Exhibition:
In celebration of its 30th anniversary the Institute Du Monde Arabe invited 240 artists from different backgrounds to showcasing 240 original works, in resonance with the 240 moucharabiehs of the famous facade of the building.