"Liberation - A Process Review" featured art projects by five Egyptian artists, all have taken an active role in the Egyptian revolution, bearing insightful witness to the events through artistic expression. Each testimony was as genuine as true, due to their personal encounters with rage, fear, loss, resistance, despair and hope.
The chosen work echoed milestone events that unfolded during the 15 months that followed the first revolutionary wave in Egypt.
Featuring projects by artists:
Khaled Hafez
"Tomb Sonata in Two Military Movements", Installation. "The video Diaries", 3 Channel video.
Mahmoud Refat
"N.D.P.", Audio installation.
Ahmed El Shaer
"Nekh", Interactive computer game. "Home land", Machinima video.
Ammar Abou Bakr
"Fluorescent Blood", Graffiti mural
Marwa Adel
"Crowds", Digital manipulated photography installed in space.